Manvel Srapion Aleksanyan was born on May 23, 1959 in the village of Lusakert, Nairi Region of the former Armenian Soviet Socialist Republic (now Argel Village, Kotayk Region, Republic of Armenia). In 1976 he graduated from the local high school. 

In 1977-1991 he lived in the Krasnodar Territory and the Irkutsk Province of the Russian Soviet Federal Socialist Republic. 

During 1977-1979 he served in the Soviet Army in the Leningrad Military District. 

Worked in manufacturing and construction as a worker, then apprentice, while during 1989-1986, parallel to his studies, he worked as an inspector at the Zhigalov District Committee of National Control, Irkutsk Province. 

In 1989 he graduated from Irkutsk State University and was appointed Assistant Attorney of Bayandaev District of the Irkutsk Province. 

Having moved in 1991 to the Republic of Armenia, he began working at the Office of Public Prosecutor in Yerevan, as a prosecutor of the General Supervision Department. 

From 1997 to 2007 he worked at the Office of Public Prosecutor of the Malatya-Sebastia community of Yerevan as a legal investigator and then as a senior legal investigator. 

From 2008 to 2016 he was at first Prosecutor and then Senior Prosecutor of the Malatya-Sebastia administrative district of Yerevan (previously, Shahumyan District). 

From July 2016 he is an advocate, a member of the Chamber of Advocates of RA ( 

He is a Counselor of Justice of the second class. 

In 1999 he defended his candidate of science thesis at the Yerevan State University, and was awarded the degree of Candidate of Law.

He is the author of 4 books and 17 scientific articles on issues related to constitution, criminal justice and criminal procedures. 

He is married, has two children and 2 grandchildren.



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Tel. (w.)  (374 10)  27-33-02
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Page updated 01.08.2017
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